Network Forensics

    • Configure and run open-source Snort and write Snort signatures

    • Configure and run open-source Zeek to provide a hybrid traffic analysis framework

    • Understand TCP/IP component layers to identify normal and abnormal traffic

    • Use open-source traffic analysis tools to identify signs of an intrusion

    • Comprehend the need to employ network forensics to investigate traffic to identify a possible intrusion

    • Use Wireshark to carve out suspicious file attachments

    • Write tcpdump filters to selectively examine a particular traffic trait

    • Craft packets with Scapy

    • Use the open-source network flow tool SiLK to find network behavior anomalies

    • Use your knowledge of network architecture and hardware to customize placement of IDS sensors and sniff traffic off the wire

    • How to identify potentially malicious activities for which no IDS has published signatures

    • How to place, customize, and tune your IDS/IPS for maximum detection

    • Hands-on detection, analysis, and network forensic investigation with a variety of open-source tools

    • TCP/IP and common application protocols to gain insight about your network traffic, enabling you to distinguish normal from abnormal traffic

    • The benefits of using signature-based, flow, and hybrid traffic analysis frameworks to augment detection

  • Concepts of TCP/IP

    • Why is it necessary to understand packet headers and data?

    • TCP/IP communications model

    • Data encapsulation/de-encapsulation

    • Discussion of bits, bytes, binary, and hex

  • Introduction to Wireshark

    • Navigating around Wireshark

    • Examination of Wireshark statistics

    • Stream reassembly

    • Finding content in packets

  • Network Access/Link Layer: Layer 2

    • Introduction to 802.x link layer

    • Address resolution protocol

    • ARP spoofing

  • IP Layer: Layer 3

    • IPv4

      • Examination of fields in theory and practice

      • Checksums and their importance, especially for an IDS/IPS

      • Fragmentation: IP header fields involved in fragmentation, composition of the fragments, fragmentation attacks

    • IPv6

      • Comparison with IPv4

      • IPv6 addresses

      • Neighbor discovery protocol

      • Extension headers

      • IPv6 in transition

  • Wireshark Display Filters

    • Examination of some of the many ways that Wireshark facilitates creating display filters

    • Composition of display filters

  • Writing BPF Filters

    • The ubiquity of BPF and utility of filters

    • Format of BPF filters

    • Use of bit masking

  • TCP

    • Examination of fields in theory and practice

    • Packet dissection

    • Checksums

    • Normal and abnormal TCP stimulus and response

    • Importance of TCP reassembly for IDS/IPS

  • UDP

    • Examination of fields in theory and practice

    • UDP stimulus and response

  • ICMP

    • Examination of fields in theory and practice

    • When ICMP messages should not be sent

    • Use in mapping and reconnaissance

    • Normal ICMP

    • Malicious ICMP

  • Real-World Analysis -- Command Line Tools

    • Regular Expressions fundamentals

    • Rapid processing using command line tools

    • Rapid identification of events of interest

  • Scapy

    • Packet crafting and analysis using Scapy

    • Writing a packet(s) to the network or a pcap file

    • Reading a packet(s) from the network or from a pcap file

    • Practical Scapy uses for network analysis and network defenders

  • Advanced Wireshark

    • Exporting web objects

    • Extracting arbitrary application content

    • Wireshark investigation of an incident

    • Practical Wireshark uses for analyzing SMB protocol activity

    • Tshark

  • Detection Methods for Application Protocols

    • Pattern matching, protocol decode, and anomaly detection challenges

  • DNS

    • DNS architecture and function

    • Caching

    • DNSSEC

    • Malicious DNS, including cache poisoning

  • Microsoft Protocols

    • SMB/CIFS

    • MSRPC

    • Detection challenges

    • Practical Wireshark application

  • Modern HTTP and TLS

    • Protocol format

    • Why and how this protocol is evolving

    • Detection challenges

  • SMTP

    • Protocol format


    • Sample of attacks

    • Detection challenges

  • IDS/IPS Evasion Theory

    • Theory and implications of evasions at different protocol layers

    • Sampling of evasions

    • Necessity for target-based detection

  • Identifying Traffic of Interest

    • Finding anomalous application data within large packet repositories

    • Extraction of relevant records

    • Application research and analysis

    • Hands-on exercises after each major topic that offer students the opportunity to reinforce what they just learned.

  • Network Architecture

    • Instrumenting the network for traffic collection

    • IDS/IPS deployment strategies

    • Hardware to capture traffic

  • Introduction to IDS/IPS Analysis

    • Function of an IDS

    • The analyst's role in detection

    • Flow process for Snort and Zeek

    • Similarities and differences between Snort and Zeek

  • Snort

    • Introduction to Snort

    • Running Snort

    • Writing Snort rules

    • Solutions for dealing with false negatives and positives

    • Tips for writing efficient rules

  • Zeek

    • Introduction to Zeek

    • Zeek Operational modes

    • Zeek output logs and how to use them

    • Practical threat analysis

    • Zeek scripting

    • Using Zeek to monitor and correlate related behaviors

    • Hands-on exercises, one after each major topic, offer students the opportunity to reinforce what they just learned.

  • Introduction to Network Forensics Analysis

    • Theory of network forensics analysis

    • Phases of exploitation

    • Data-driven analysis vs. Alert-driven analysis

    • Hypothesis-driven visualization

  • Using Network Flow Records

    • NetFlow and IPFIX metadata analysis

    • Using SiLK to find events of interest

    • Identification of lateral movement via NetFlow data

  • Examining Command and Control Traffic

    • Introduction to command and control traffic

    • TLS interception and analysis

    • TLS profiling

    • Covert DNS C2 channels: dnscat2 and Ionic

    • Other covert tunneling, including The Onion Router (TOR)

  • Analysis of Large pcaps

    • The challenge of analyzing large pcaps

    • Students analyze three separate incident scenarios.

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