Security Analytics

    • practical data science, statistics, probability, and machine learning

    • Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning

    • Data acquisition from SQL, NoSQL document stores, web scraping, and other common sources

    • Data exploration and visualization

    • Descriptive statistics

    • Inferential statistics and probability

    • Bayesian inference

    • Unsupervised learning and clustering

    • Deep learning neural networks

    • Autoencoders

    • Loss functions

    • Convolutional networks

    • Embedding layers

    • Apply statistical models to real world problems in meaningful ways

    • Generate visualizations of your data

    • Perform mathematics-based threat hunting on your network

    • Understand and apply unsupervised learning/clustering methods

    • Build Deep Learning Neural Networks

    • Build and understand Convolutional Neural Networks

    • Understand and build Genetic Search Algorithms

    • Fundamentals of python

      • Lists

      • Arrays

      • Tuples

      • Dictionaries

      • NumPy variants

      • Connecting sql

      • Connecting mongo dB

      • Reading and writing csv

      • Web scraping

    • Data Acquisition

    • Data Cleaning

    • Data Manipulation

    • Statistics

      • Statistics Fundamentals: Medians and Means

      • Statistics Fundamentals: Variance, Deviations, and Robust Measures

      • Applications of Statistics to Data Identification

      • Probability, Bayes, and Phishing

      • Threat Hunting through Signals Analysis

      • Bayesian theorem and inference

      • Linear algebra

      • Signal analysis

        • Fourier series

        • Fast Fourier Transformation

        • Discreate Fourier Transformation

    • Fundamentals of Machine Learning

      • Clustering

      • Unsupervised learning

      • Support vector machines

      • Kernel functions

      • Support vector classifiers

      • K-means

      • KNN

      • Elbow Functions and PCA

      • High dimensions

      • Dimensionality reduction

      • Primary component analysis

      • DCBSCAN

      • Decision Trees

      • Random Forests

      • Anomaly detection

      • Supervised learning

        • Linear regression

        • Deep learning neural networks

        • Multi class classification

        • Predictive models

        • Forecasting and trend analysis for anomaly detection

        • NN and dense networks for phishing detection

        • Network protocol classification

        • Polyfit Regressions

        • Hello, World! Sentiment Analysis

        • Ham vs. Spam via Deep Learning

        • Identifying Protocols

        • Protocol Anomaly Detection

        • Regression and fitting

        • Loss and Error functions

        • Vectors, Matrices, and Tensors

        • Fundamentals of the Perceptron

        • Dense Networks

      • CNN

        • Predictive identification zero day malware

        • Auto encoders

        • Latent representation

        • Reconstruction loss function work

        • Predictive Malware Identification - Finding Zero Days

        • Ham vs. Spam, CNN Style

        • Multi-class text classification via CNNs

        • Log Anomaly Detection using Autoencoders

        • Real-time Network Anomalies

        • Convolutional Neural Networks

        • Embedding Layers

        • Applying CNNs to text problems

        • Autoencoders

        • Reconstruction loss measurements

        • Creating ensemble autoencoders

        • CNNs and fully connected networks for solving regression problems

        • deep neural network using TensorFlow

        • Solving CAPTCHAs: POC

        • Solving CAPTCHAs: Functional API

        • Solving CAPTCHAs: Split model

        • Genetic Algorithms

        • Convolutional Neural Networks

        • Functional definition of Neural Networks

        • Deep Learning Networks with Multiple Outputs

        • Thinking about Machine Learning Problems

        • Genetic Algorithms

Last updated