Asset Management

Asset Management

  • identify and classify our organization's assets

  • assets is adequately protected

  • implementing the appropriate controls

    • Asset Discovery

    • Asset Inventory

    • Asset Identification

    • Asset Classification

    • Asset labeling based on sensitivity and criticality

    • Asset Owners

    • Asset Roles

    • Asset Retention Policies

Data Classification

  • Information classification policy

Asset Discovery Strategy:

Asset Discovery:

  • Physical Devices

    • Desktops

    • Servers

    • Laptops

    • Mobile devices /IPAD/kiosks

    • OT/IOT

    • Printer

  • Virtual devices

  • Cloud assets

  • SaaS applications

  • Network appliances/Devices

  • Application servers

Discovery Methods:

List to collect

  • All windows servers managed by SCCM team

  • All Linux Servers managed by SCCM team

  • All windows desktops managed by SCCM team

  • All Linux desktops managed by SCCM team

  • Board approved software applications

  • All Network Equipment

    • Routers

    • Switches

    • WAF

    • Load Balancers

    • Wi-Fi Assess points

    • Network Security control applications and solutions

  • Domain Names

  • IP ranges

  • Virtual Instances

  • Data backups

  • Patch Management servers

  • Active Directory

  • Domain controllers

  • DNS servers

  • FTP servers

  • Application servers

  • Database servers

  • Network Attached Storage

  • DHCP

Asset Classification

  • Asset Inventory with asset owner's information

    • Asset Owners

      • Public

      • Private

      • Govt

    • Stakeholders

    • Tangible Assets

    • Intangible Assets

    • Data Owners

  • Critical assets

  • Critical Data handling

  • Based on standards, Procedures, Baselines, Guidelines

    • PCI

    • HIPPA

    • CJIS

  • Review asset labels

  • Asset marking

  • Asset categorization/grouping

    • Operating System

    • Geographical condition

    • Under specific compliance

    • Business unit

    • Geographic Location

Asset Protection

  • Roles

    • Data owners

    • Data controller

    • Data processor

    • Data subject

    • Data steward

  • Data in rest

    • Encryption

    • Access controls

    • Backup

  • Data in motion

    • End to end t

    • Link

    • Onion routing

  • Data in use

  • Data Archive

  • Data destruction

    • Destruction

    • Shred

    • drill

  • Data purging

    • degaussing

  • Data clearing

    • Formatting

    • Overwriting

    • Wiping

Asset Management

  • Physical Devices

  • Software Platforms

  • Organization Asset Communication and data flow map

  • Critical Asset Classification

  • Cyber security team roles

  • Separation of duties

*** Conduct Regular Review


Last updated