Running Services

Prioritizing Target Attacks in Penetration Testing

Analyzing Running Services

  1. Identify Services: Enumerate running services on the target system using tools like Nmap.

  2. Assess Vulnerabilities: Determine known vulnerabilities associated with these services using databases like CVE or vulnerability scanning tools like Nessus.

  3. Evaluate Criticality: Consider the criticality of each service based on its role in the organization’s operations.

Suggested Tools and Usage

  1. Nmap:

    • Usage: Scans for open ports and services.

    • Command: nmap -sV target_ip

    • Purpose: Identifies open ports and associated services, aiding in the initial enumeration.

  2. Nessus:

    • Usage: Performs comprehensive vulnerability assessments.

    • Command: Initiate a scan via Nessus web interface.

    • Purpose: Identifies vulnerabilities and provides detailed reports on each finding.

  3. Metasploit:

    • Usage: Exploits identified vulnerabilities to assess impact.

    • Command: msfconsole, followed by specific exploit commands.

    • Purpose: Verifies the exploitability of vulnerabilities and helps prioritize based on exploit success.

  4. Nikto:

    • Usage: Scans web servers for vulnerabilities.

    • Command: nikto -h target_ip

    • Purpose: Identifies web server misconfigurations, outdated software, and other vulnerabilities.

  5. OpenVAS:

    • Usage: Conducts extensive vulnerability scanning.

    • Command: Initiate a scan via OpenVAS web interface.

    • Purpose: Provides a comprehensive analysis of vulnerabilities across the network.

Steps for Prioritizing

  1. Critical Services: Focus on services critical to business operations or containing sensitive data.

  2. High-Severity Vulnerabilities: Prioritize vulnerabilities with high CVSS scores.

  3. Exploit Availability: Target vulnerabilities with known exploits.

  4. Exposure: Consider external exposure and ease of exploitation.


By using these tools and methodologies, penetration testers can effectively prioritize targets, ensuring that the most critical vulnerabilities are addressed first.

Last updated