Windows system calls

What are Windows System Calls?

  • The Gateway to the Kernel: System calls are the primary way user-mode programs interact with the Windows kernel to request system-level services. These services include:

    • File and process management (creation, reading, writing)

    • Memory allocation and manipulation

    • Network communication

    • Device interaction

Why System Calls are Targets for Abuse

  • Beneath the Radar: Malware often uses system calls to perform malicious activities in ways that might be difficult to detect or analyze. Examples:

    • Creating new processes to inject malicious code.

    • Opening files to steal or delete sensitive data.

    • Establishing network connections to send stolen data or receive commands.

Key System Calls for Reverse Engineers

Understanding these system call families is crucial for unraveling how a piece of software or malware operates at the lower level:

  • Process and Thread Management:

    • NtCreateProcess, NtOpenProcess: Process creation and manipulation.

    • NtCreateThread, NtResumeThread: For manipulating threads within processes.

  • File I/O:

    • NtCreateFile, NtOpenFile: Opening and creating files.

    • NtReadFile, NtWriteFile: Reading and writing data to files.

  • Memory Management:

    • NtAllocateVirtualMemory: Allocates virtual memory.

    • NtProtectVirtualMemory: Modifies memory access permissions.

  • Network Communication:

    • NtCreateSocket, NtConnect: Creating and managing network sockets.

    • NtSend, NtRecv: Transmit and receive network data.

  • Windows Registry:

    • NtCreateKey, NtOpenKey: Creates or opens registry keys.

    • NtSetValueKey, NtQueryValueKey: Sets or retrieves registry values.

Reverse Engineering Methods

  • Static Analysis: Examine the disassembled code of a binary to identify the system calls it uses, even if they are obfuscated. Tools like IDA Pro are helpful here.

  • Dynamic Analysis: Monitor system call activity of a program as it runs, using tools like:

    • Sysinternals Process Monitor: Gives a detailed view of all system calls in real-time.

    • API Monitor: Helps trace function calls within Windows programs.

Important Considerations

  • System calls change across Windows versions: Be aware of API differences between Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 10, etc.

  • Malware Obfuscation: Malware can try to hide or disguise system call usage.

Last updated

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