Windows system calls
What are Windows System Calls?
The Gateway to the Kernel: System calls are the primary way user-mode programs interact with the Windows kernel to request system-level services. These services include:
File and process management (creation, reading, writing)
Memory allocation and manipulation
Network communication
Device interaction
Why System Calls are Targets for Abuse
Beneath the Radar: Malware often uses system calls to perform malicious activities in ways that might be difficult to detect or analyze. Examples:
Creating new processes to inject malicious code.
Opening files to steal or delete sensitive data.
Establishing network connections to send stolen data or receive commands.
Key System Calls for Reverse Engineers
Understanding these system call families is crucial for unraveling how a piece of software or malware operates at the lower level:
Process and Thread Management:
: Process creation and manipulation.NtCreateThread
: For manipulating threads within processes.
File I/O:
: Opening and creating files.NtReadFile
: Reading and writing data to files.
Memory Management:
: Allocates virtual memory.NtProtectVirtualMemory
: Modifies memory access permissions.
Network Communication:
: Creating and managing network sockets.NtSend
: Transmit and receive network data.
Windows Registry:
: Creates or opens registry keys.NtSetValueKey
: Sets or retrieves registry values.
Reverse Engineering Methods
Static Analysis: Examine the disassembled code of a binary to identify the system calls it uses, even if they are obfuscated. Tools like IDA Pro are helpful here.
Dynamic Analysis: Monitor system call activity of a program as it runs, using tools like:
Sysinternals Process Monitor: Gives a detailed view of all system calls in real-time.
API Monitor: Helps trace function calls within Windows programs.
Important Considerations
System calls change across Windows versions: Be aware of API differences between Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 10, etc.
Malware Obfuscation: Malware can try to hide or disguise system call usage.
Last updated
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