AI/ML and Data Science
What is the Difference between AI,ML and Deep Learning
Applied data science
Applied mathmatics
Computational Mathematical modeling
AI (data science, ML, Predictive Analytics, prescriptive analytics, Probability and Statistics)
Big Data
Cloud and MLOps
Quantum computing and Quantum machine learning
Supervised learning
Bayesian classifiers
Decision Trees
Labelled data
Decision Tree Classification
Random Forest Classification
K-nearest Neighbor
Example : Spam or ham
Logistic Regression
Polynomial Regression
Support Vector Machines
Example : Give port numbers which are under attack and ML algo will tell if it DDOS/bot network
Unsupervised learning (Group similar data)
K-means Clustering
Hierarchical Clustering
Principal Component Analysis
To reduce the dimensions
Association (finds the important relationship)
Reinforcement learning
Deep Learning
Artificial Neural network
Neural Network
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs)
Recursive neural networks (RNNs)
Long short-term memory (LSTM)
Shallow neural networks
Autoencoders (AEs)
Restricted Boltzmann machines
Use cases:
Attack surface detection based on mathematical modeling
pre-ransomware activity detection
Phishing emails
Key Concepts
feature engineering
feature selection
feature selection methods: filter methods, wrapper methods, and embedded method
reduce the complexity
overfitting of the model
One-hot encoding
L1 and L2 loss
We need continuous monitoring/information from following to investigate anomalies, suspicious activity, TTP's, IOC's, IOA's
- Asset Discovery
- Vulnerability Management
- Endpoint Security
- Firewall
- Load Balancer
- DNS logs
- Sysmon logs
- Business application logs
- OS event logs
- Sign in Activity
- Email flow (Phishing emails)
- Threat specific to industry
- Honeypot
- Honey accounts
- current incident response strategy
- clients, applications, web and database servers, NIDSs, HIDs, firewalls
Cyber Security Analytics Goals
- reduces the time for remediation
- automated threat discovery/detection
- discovering new suspicious patterns
define few use cases to implement Cyber Security Analytics
- Malicious activity detection with out using known IOC's
- Behavioral Analytics
- Network traffic patterns
- phishing Email detection (email header analysis, url links)
- Botnet analysis
- Learning historical SIEM/network data
semi structured
un structured
labeled and unlabeled data
what is our problem ?
what we are expecting to solve ?
what is training and Testing data ratio ?
From where we are getting this ?
Model overfitting issue
Model underfitting issue
negative biases
Types ML
- supervised
phishing email detection
- Deep Learning
- Un-surpervised
UEBA, Malware behavior, ransomewaere attacks
- Reinforcement
Problem types:
linear regression, logistic regression, polynomial regression, lasso regression
- Web Traffic classification
dimension reduction
density estimation
Famous algos
Bayesian networks
decision trees
random forests
Hierarchical algos
genetic algorithms
Areas to focus (from aws)
Threat, intrusion and anomaly detection for cloud security
ML for malware analysis and detection
Finding security vulnerabilities using ML
Protecting and preserving data privacy in the cloud
Learning with limited/noisy labels and weakly supervised learning
Causal inference for information security
Graph modeling and anomaly detection on graphs
Zero/One-shot learning for information security
The advent of the Internet of Things and the increasing dependence on digital technology have given rise to many security incidents in recent years. Data breaches, zero-day attacks, malware, ransomware, denial of service or DoS, phishing, and social engineering have progressed at near viral proportions. Cyber threats are outpacing the ability of cybersecurity to detect and prevent them. That’s where data science comes in.
Cybersecurity is dedicated to protecting networks, computers, software programs, and data using various technologies and processes. Data science provides techniques used in machine learning, such as data modeling, statistical analysis, predictions, anomaly detection, forecasts, and pattern finding. Cybersecurity data science is a scientific, data-focused approach to identifying threats through machine learning. Leveraging the systems and processes of data science increases the ability to extract security incident insight and patterns from cybersecurity data for faster detection and a more robust, effective defense.
Data Science Courses
Where cybersecurity takes action, data science provides the analysis and vision. Machine learning-powered by data science techniques helps with anomaly detection by quickly scanning huge amounts of code to look for differences that could indicate malicious code. Penetration testing is also improved using automation and adaptive learning to test firewalls against intrusion. Data science empowers cybersecurity with information, speed, and accuracy that far surpasses what it has been able to do to date.
Data science courses teach you the theory, tools, languages, and techniques widely used in the industry. Topics may include the following:
API Interactions
Computer Vision
Deep Learning (Neural Networks)
Ensemble Techniques & Model Tuning
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Python and R Programming for AI
Recommendation Systems
Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
Recommendation Systems
Tableau, JavaScript, HTML5/CSS, and Git/GitHub
Introduction to supervised learning models
Logistic regression, Naive Bayes, neural networks, deep learning models
Introduction to unsupervised learning models
PCA, K-means, Gaussian mixture models
Live Demonstration: Building a machine learning pipeline
Introduction to Internet architecture, measuring Internet traffic behavior and anomaly detection
Live Demonstration: Analyze internet network traffic using unsupervised learning techniques
Applications of machine learning to network security
Supervised learning examples: Spam filtering, phishing
Unsupervised learning examples: Anomaly detection
Introduction to adversarial machine learning, threat models
Example: Distorting personalization
Defending against adversaries
Example: Evading intrusion/attack detection
Fairness, Transparency, and Explainability in cybersecurity ML models
Privacy definitions and how to actualize privacy for cybersecurity applications in industry
Externalities and implications of errors in ML models for cybersecurity
Responsible data lifecycles
Hands-on lab focused on building a model to detect fraudulent accounts leveraging virtual case study
Students have the option to develop a real or hypothetical cybersecurity machine learning deployment case study, culminating in personalized UChicago faculty feedback and guidance on your strategy.
Dataingestion methods
- apache flume and kafka
- amzon kinesis
Apache Sqoop, Apache Storm, Gobblin, Data Torrent, Syncsort, and Cloudera Morphline
threat hunting
Installation of Anaconda
Introduction on Python
Introduction to Pandas
Introduction to Jupyter
Math fundamentals for ML
Introduction to linear algebra
Introduction to Statistics
Introduction to probability
Introduction to scikit learning
Exploratory Data Analysis and visulization using Pandas
Data Engineering
Postgres sql
Mongo db
Api reading
Machine Learning Terminology
Super vised learning
Unsuper vised learning
Model evaluation
Linear Regression
Logitic Regression
Naïve Bayes classification
Decision trees
Ensemble Techniques
Dimension Reduction
Stochastic Gradient Descent
Neural Networks
Deep Learning
Recommendation Engine
Classification of malicious urls
Phishing :
Supervised learning algorithms such as Random Forest, SVM, MLP, KNN, and their stacked ensembles
Python code to find file hash and search on virustotal and alien vault, export api key as environmental variable
Python code to check file, check file header and tell if it mz, pk, rar, elf.mac, %pdf. Mscf
PE header analysis
Find packed or unpacked
Base 64 encode detect and decode
Last updated
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