Threat hunting

  • Organization mission

  • Threat Actors targeting Aviation Industry

  • What are the critical assets and businesses

  • Who targeting DFW Airport

  • Do any third party companies targeted in process of attacking us

  • Which exploits are used for attacks

  • Which APT targets us

  • Hypothesis

    • AISAC and recent TTP's and cyber attacks

    • Blind spots in organization

    • Tools and techniques used by Threat Actors

    • Data infiltration and Exfiltration Techniques

    • IOC's and adversary TTP's

    • Investigate

      • TTPS

      • Analytics

  • Creating threat detection rules

  • Collecting Malware Samples and fetch new patterns and TTP's

  • Getting alerts to Incident Response

  • Security Analytics and

Before starting Threat Hunting

Which Threat Actors targeting

  • Aviation ports

  • Airline, Transport Industry

  • Geo Political

Focus on attack techniques

Focus on critical assets and information

  • Crown Jewels Analysis (CJA)

Threat hunting Models/Framework

  • Diamond Model of Intrusion Analysis


  • BAS Threat Library (picus)

List of threat hunting tools

  • Data sources from MITRE attack

  • Data visibility

  • Historical data for threat hunting

  • Threat Hunting Maturity Model breach attack simulation model

  • Sqrrl

Know thy self

  • Reconnaissance

  • Osint

  • Asset inventory

  • Network segmentation

  • Patching

  • Backup

Pyramid of pain

Threat hunting

  • Start with applications

  • Browser plugins

  • System level event

  • Host perimeter

  • Edge firewalls


  • Phishing catcher

  • Dnstwist

  • Gnuplot

  • Apiify

  • Query isc api for IP based threat intel

  • Domain_Stats from sans

Cloud attacks

  • Need to implement logging

  • Password spraying

  • One dirve log analysis

  • Cloudtrail logs

Know normal

  • Local users

  • ASEP's entry points

  • Trusted Root certs

  • Entropy in filenames

  • Entropy in dns

  • Freq in dns and filenames

  • Services

  • Open ports

  • In and outbound communication

  • Arp entries

  • Software installed

  • Processes

  • Authorized hosts files

  • Host file

  • DNS and IP

  • Same first name and last name and sender email address changed

  • Email forwarding rules

  • User at risk

  • Sign in infected device

  • Sign in from unknown location

  • Understanding user privileges

  • Singn in anonymous vpn, tor,

  • Dropbox kind of tool communication

  • Use of I2p, Tor, socks

  • Slow in application performance

  • Autstart program and scripts

  • Unique processes

  • Host

    • profiling by segments

    • profiling by zones

      • Windows servers

      • Linux servers

      • Developers

      • Testing team

      • Database team

      • HR ateam

      • Procurement team

      • Legacy systesm

      • PCI environment

      • Extranet

      • Network team

      • Production

      • Dev

      • Tst


      • High value/business critical

      • Process injection attempts

      • DLL sideloading

      • File deletes

      • Hunting Powershell Obfuscation with Linear Regression

    • Network

      • Site to site vpns

      • Long connections

      • Vpn acitivity

      • Beaconing activity


    • Dnsespinoge

    • DNSSEC

    • Security trails dns change

    • Domain fronting

    • National cyber security centere TLS interception

    • RITA TLS interception

    • Recursive dns name servers

    • Authorative dns name server

  • Tools

    • ELK

    • OS Query

    • Fleet Kolide

    • Powershell Kansa

  • Seen first time

    • File names

    • Processes

    • Processes had a file

    • Processes running from main memory

    • Most common and most rare

      • Files

      • Processes

      • Applications

      • registries

      • Ip's

      • Dns

      • Domain

      • Email sender

      • Wmi commands

      • Powershell

      • Users

      • Groups

      • Ports

      • Services

    • Signals

      • Account discorvery

      • Account creation

      • Account modification

      • Clearing logs

      • Process from ZIP file

      • Link file execution

      • Iso file execution

      • Modification of autorun key

      • Modification of registry key

      • Autoruns directory

        • Parent location of autoruns

        • Enabled autoruns

        • Disabled autoruns

        • Autoruns by catetory

        • Unknown signer autoruns

        • Autoruns from

          • Exe

          • Dll

          • Vbs

          • Ps1

          • Sys

          • Drv

          • Ax

          • cpl

      • Execution from temp directory

      • File name /process name with random letter

      • Webshells

        • W3wp.exe

        • Php-cgi.exe

        • China chopper

      • Shimcache hunting

      • Top executions by endpoint

      • Lowest execution by endpoint

      • Single character binaries

      • Execution form temp

      • Suspicious binaries

      • Total unique applications

      • Hunting with yara

        • Loki ioc scanner

      • Threathunter playbook

        • Cyberdog

        • OTRF

  • Honey tokens

    • Spn's

    • Credentials

    • Files

    • Folders

    • User-agents


C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /C whoami /groups C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /C tasklist /v C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /C netstat -na | findstr "EST" C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /C systeminfo C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /C ipconfig /displaydns C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /C wmic /Namespace:\\root\SecurityCenter2 Path AntiVirusProduct Get displayName,pathtoSignedProductExe wmic /Namespace:\\root\SecurityCenter2 Path AntiVirusProduct Get displayName,pathtoSignedProductExe netstat -an net user net use net view /all netstat -an net user net use net view /all net view /all /domain cmd.exe /c "reg.exe save hklm\security c:\windows\temp\xqjxxkmbrx" reg.exe save hklm\security c:\windows\temp\xqjxxkmbrx cmd.exe /c "reg.exe save hklm\system c:\windows\temp\kjmohmuk" reg.exe save hklm\system c:\windows\temp\kjmohmuk cmd.exe /c "reg.exe save hklm\sam c:\windows\temp\emmbnafzjtwq" reg.exe save hklm\sam c:\windows\temp\emmbnafzjtwq net share C:\Windows\system32\net1 share net config workstation C:\Windows\system32\net1 config workstation net group "Domain Admins" C:\Windows\system32\net1 group "Domain Admins" route print net localgroup C:\Windows\system32\net1 localgroup ipconfig /all tasklist /V net share C:\Windows\system32\net1 share net config workstation C:\Windows\system32\net1 config workstation net group "Domain Admins" C:\Windows\system32\net1 group "Domain Admins" route print net localgroup C:\Windows\system32\net1 localgroup ipconfig /all tasklist /V net config workstation C:\Windows\system32\net1 config workstation nslookup -type=any %%userdnsdomain%% net config workstation C:\Windows\system32\net1 config workstation nslookup -type=any %%userdnsdomain%%

C:\\Windows\\system32\\whoami.exe" /user

C:\\Windows\\system32\\whoami.exe" /groups

"C:\\Windows\\system32\\net.exe" group "domain admins" /domain

netstat • net view • net use • net session

nltest /domain_trusts /all_trusts

whoami /upn


netsh firewall set opmode disable net stop security center net stop WinDefend

\"C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe\" /c vssadmin delete shadows /all /quiet & wmic shadowcopy delete &; bcdedit /set {default} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures &; bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled no &; wbadmin delete catalog -quiet vssadmin delete shadows /all /quiet wmic shadowcopy delete bcdedit /set {default} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled no wbadmin delete catalog -quiet

adfind -f objectcategory=computer -csv name cn OperatingSystem dNSHostName > some.csv"

adfind -gcb -sc trustdmp > trustdmp.txt

  • Unauthorized RDP connections

  • Failed RDP attempts

  • Persistent connections

  • Longest connections

  • Beacon connections detection, may connection repeatatively

  • What is the operational and business needs for the connections

  • Protocol usage

  • Abnormal protocol usage

  • IP reputation check

  • C2 beacon detection

  • C2 long connections , 5 hours

  • C2 behind the CDN

  • Zeek+ja3

  • Self signed cerificates

  • Teamviewer connection

  • Certificate analysis

  • Detection of tunneling

  • Rare useragents

  • Destination IP lookup

    • IP reputation

    • ASN

    • Whois

    • Geo location

    • Ptr records

  • Abuseipdb

  • Alienvault




  • Security trails

  • Shodan

  • virustotal

  • Executions of cobaltstrike payload

  • Data exfiltration

    • 7zip

    • Mega

  • Using PsExec

  • Most common protocol usage

  • suspicious IP/Domains lookup with Alexa/Cisco million domains list (need to use automation script)

  • Investigate suspicious domain certificates to find similar malicious or impersonating domains

  • Disabling the endpoint security events, script execution activity (ex: PS, JS, DLL followed by download activity)

  • .rdp files in environment

  • .hta files in environment

  • .iso files in environment

  • .ink files in environment

  • Passwords.txt in environment

  • Network Recon Activity

    • Using windows utilities

  • Password Dumping activity tools

    • Mimikatz

    • Lass.exe dumping

  • Additional tools

    • Lazangne

    • RDPV

    • NirSoft Tools

  • Network port scan activity

  • windows utilities such as WMI, wmic, taskkill, WEVTUTIL, sc, net.exe to kill processes and remove logs from the system

  • Utilman.exe to manipulate/disable cmd.exe

  • writing a rule to detect findstr.exe

  • Hunting for password protected zip files ( need to check possibilities)

  • WScript to downloading files

  • DLL dropping in %appdata% with different file format

  • Regsrv32 loads DLL

  • Ping beaconing/ICMP

  • VNC protocol usage

  • RDP protocol usage connections to and from public IP range

  • FTP protocol usage

  • Detecting Cobalt Strike activity

  • Powershell download (invoke-webrequest)

  • Persistence using schedule task

  • wermgr.exe process injection

  • Svchost.exe process injection

  • ARP for enumeration

  • Word document with macro

Kenny addition(Feel Free to Delete):

  • Check LastPass Use

  • Check robots.txt

  • Check Cookies storage


  • Compromising VPN services

  • Brute forcing VPN services

  • User Sign In activity Bruteforce/impersonation attacks

  • Zero-Day and vulnerability attacks on VPN services

Threat Hunting for Log4J exploitation:


Arctic Wolf Tool

ToDo :

PaloAlto Useragent search

Verify the attack simulation :

Packet capture capabilities from Paloalto firewall

Initial Access :

  • SocGholish (delivered via injected JavaScript on compromised websites.)

Execution :

  • Upon downloading malicious windows executable file executed by following -k and -pass

  • Use of PsExec to push out ransomware

  • Wipes the recycle bin folder of every drive

  • Deleting shadow copies (local backups) by first listing them using WMI query SELECT * FROM Win32_ShadowCop

  • Encrypts network shares and Exchange Mailbox if set in its configuration flag

  • Uses pointed files when encrypting .lnk files

Persistence :

  • LockBit 3.0 is capable of injecting a DLL into memory via reflective loading

  • drops an .ico file in the %PROGRAMDATA% folder

  • Disabling of Windows Defender and additional security controls (third party antivirus/endpoint solutions)

  • Establishing persistence to run Cobalt Strike beacon.

Information Gathering :

  • specific PowerShell scripts containing two layers of obfuscated code

  • Use of information gathering tools such as Bloodhound and Seatbelt.

Privilege escalation :

  • UAC (user account control) bypass

Lateral Movement :

  • Lateral movement leveraging RDP and Cobalt Strike.

  • lateral movement through a group policy update, as long as there is a -gspd parameter provided


  • Use of 7zip to collect data for exfiltration.

  • Exfiltration of data to Mega[.]nz

Clearing Tracks :

  • drops and executes a .tmp file decrypted from the binary, instead of using cmd.exe

Remediation :

Best practices for mitigating the risk of a ransomware attack include[1]:

  • Following the 3-2-1 rule, which involves backing up files in three copies in two different formats, with one copy stored off-site. This is a precautionary measure to avoid data loss in case of a ransomware attack.

  • Remaining vigilant against socially engineered emails to reduce the risk of a ransomware infection, as ransomware is commonly spread through malicious spam email attachments.

  • Keeping applications and programs up to date. Regular patching ensures that software vulnerabilities that ransomware actors could exploit as entry points can be addressed in a timely fashion.

  • Organizations can benefit from a multilayered approach that can help guard possible entry points into a system (endpoint, email, web, and network).

Comments :

  1. There are similarities between black matter ransomware and lockbit3.0

References for TTP’s :

Security Vendors Analysis Report:


Malware Families

  • Beacon

  • SystemBC

  • Metasploit

  • HiveLocker

  • Qakbot





  • Qbot

  • Emotet

  • Iced ID

  • Bumblebee

  • Phosphorus

  • ursnif

Drive by Download

  • Gootloader

  • Zloader

Other Attack Scenarios:

  • SEO Poisoning


  • RDP

  • SQL server

Ransomware :

  • BlackByte ransomware

  • Royal Road Weaponize

  • LockBit 3.0 ransomware group

  • BianLian ransomware

  • Medusa

  • Conti

  • Sodinokibi

Recon Tool

  • Dragon Juice

  • TankTrap powershell utility

Info stealer:

  • Form Book


  • Breach forums


  • Exchange : Proxy shell

  • Manage engine support center plus

  • CVE-2020-1472 (Zerologon) and CVE-2021-44077 (referring to ManageEngine SupportCenter Plus)

Suspicious execution:

  • PowerShell execution

  • WMI

  • Windows commands

  • Service execution

  • Scheduled Task

  • Malicious link from documents

  • COM execution

Remote Access

  • AnyDesk

  • Tactical RMM

  • Atera

Using run keys for persistence

App data folder with DLL files

Run Key to execute a PowerShell script via a LNK file

Scheduled Tasks to execute their payloads

IIS webshell

Process injection scenario

DLL Injection

Valid accounts misuse


IP assigned to ORG

IP Lookup

Publicly exposed assets

Url Scan



Mxtoolbox super tool

CCSS Forum (, and URLHaus (

Last updated