
Format Alignment: Key Considerations for Penetration Testing Reports

Documentation Specifications:

  • Standardization: Align reports with a recognized standard or internal style guide for consistency. (e.g., PCI-DSS Reporting Requirements)

  • Formatting: Maintain consistent formatting throughout the report (font size, headings, tables, etc.) for readability.

  • Terminology: Clearly define technical terms used within the report to avoid ambiguity for both technical and non-technical audiences.

Risk Scoring:

  • Methodology: Describe the risk scoring system employed (e.g., CVSS) and how it factors in exploitability, impact, and likelihood.

  • Severity Levels: Define severity levels (High, Medium, Low) associated with identified risks to prioritize remediation efforts.

  • Transparency: Explain the rationale behind assigned risk scores for improved understanding and decision-making.


  • Glossary: Include a glossary of technical terms used within the report for easy reference.

  • In-Context Definitions: Define important terms within the report itself where they are first introduced.

Report Components:

  • Executive Summary:

    • Briefly summarize key findings, identified vulnerabilities, and overall risk assessment.

    • Highlight critical recommendations for immediate attention.

    • Target this section for a non-technical audience (e.g., management).

  • Methodology:

    • Describe the penetration testing methodology employed (e.g., black-box, white-box).

    • Outline the tools and techniques used during the assessment.

    • Explain the scope and limitations of the testing engagement.

  • Detailed Findings:

    • Provide a detailed breakdown of identified vulnerabilities, categorized by severity and exploitability.

    • Include technical evidence for each finding, such as screenshots or logs.

    • Offer clear explanations of the potential impact of each vulnerability.

    • Target this section for a technical audience (e.g., IT security team).

  • Attack Narrative:

    • Describe a potential attack scenario using identified vulnerabilities, providing context for the risks.

    • Illustrate the potential consequences of a successful attack on the organization.

  • Recommendations:

    • Outline clear and actionable recommendations for remediation, prioritizing critical issues.

    • Provide step-by-step remediation guidance or references to relevant resources.

    • Remediation Guidance:

      • Offer specific instructions or technical details for addressing vulnerabilities.

      • Prioritize remediation efforts based on risk scores.

      • Suggest alternative mitigation strategies if complete remediation is not feasible.

  • Test Limitations and Assumptions:

    • Clearly outline any limitations of the penetration testing engagement (e.g., time constraints, excluded systems).

    • State any assumptions made during the testing process (e.g., access granted, specific configurations).

  • Reporting Considerations:

    • Legal: Ensure the report complies with any relevant legal or regulatory requirements (e.g., data privacy regulations).

    • Ethical: Adhere to ethical principles of penetration testing, such as responsible disclosure and respecting client confidentiality.

    • Quality Control (QC): Implement a thorough quality control process to ensure report accuracy and completeness.

    • Artificial Intelligence (AI): If using AI tools for testing or report generation, disclose their usage and limitations.

Last updated