Conducting asset scanning using various network scanning tools can help you discover devices and services on a network. Here are examples of how to conduct asset scanning using Nmap, Masscan, network scanning via TOR nodes, network scanning via a VPS (Virtual Private Server), and network scanning via VPN (Virtual Private Network):

Asset Scanning with Nmap:

Nmap is a versatile and widely used open-source network scanning tool. It offers various scan types and commands to discover devices and services on a network.

  • Ping Scan (Discover Live Hosts):

    nmap -sn <target>
  • Basic Service Discovery:

    nmap -sV <target>
  • Port Scan (TCP SYN Scan):

    nmap -sS -p <ports> <target>
  • Full Port Scan:

    nmap -p- <target>
  • OS Detection:

    nmap -O <target>
  • Protocol Scanning

    • TCP

    • UDP

For more advanced scanning options and customizations, refer to the Nmap documentation.

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